The Paper Ballot is the Vote of Record

Guest post by Thomas Kasperek The Paper Ballot The lifeblood of our American Republic is free and fair electionsand we are hemorrhaging profusely due to illegal elections by far-left Fascists. We can stop the bleeding of our rights and freedoms by restoring legal integrity into state and federal elections.

Heckler’s Veto Hits 1st Amendment Rights AGAIN!

This article originally appeared Guest by post by Bob Unruh College officials allowed protesters to silence others’ messaging The Foundation for Individual Rights and Express confirms it has written to Washington College after officials there allowed an incident to develop in which threatening protesters were able to shut down a speech by someone whose perspectives they disliked.

GOP Joining Fight Against Dems’ Scheme to Take Trump Off Ballot

This article originally appeared Guest by post by Bob Unruh Lawsuit in leftist state avoided involving Republicans, who pick their own candidate Leftists in Colorado have filed a lawsuit trying to finagle a way to use the 14th Amendment to keep President Donald Trump off the 2024 presidential ballot.

Major Medical Group Issues ‘Slow-Down’ Warning for Vaccinations

This article originally appeared Guest by post by Bob Unruh Regulators now ‘deeply corrupted’ by industry influencers One of the products of the COVID-19 pandemic that came out of China and circled the globe, killing millions, was a new and heightened awareness of vaccines and other shots that government medicos want everyone to take.

‘Bang!’ School That Punished Boy for ‘Finger Gun’ Gets Skewered

This article originally appeared Guest by post by Bob Unruh ‘It is shocking such a menace was allowed to remain free’ Constitutional expert and legal pundit Jonathan Turley, the George Washington University professor who has testified before, and represented Congress, on Tuesday cited the case of a student, 6 years old, who “not only engaged in a game of cops and robbers but actually added ‘bang, bang’ to the game.” He was suspended by his school.

At a House Judiciary Subcommittee hearing Thursday, 19-year-old Chloe Cole described her experience as a child diagnosed with gender dysphoria.

Instagram Censors Teen ‘Detransitioner’ Chloe Cole for Grotesque Reason

This article originally appeared Guest by post by Peter LaBarbera Butchered’ by trans ‘medicine,’ she says true violence is ‘my own life experiences’ As if Americans needed any more evidence of the heavy hand and left-wing bias of Big Tech social media corporations, Instagram Saturday restricted the account of Chloe Cole, the world’s most famous young “detransitioner,” reportedly claiming her bio “encourages violence.” Cole’s bio on Instagram, which is owned by Meta’s , reads: “chooocole, Chloe Cole, 19, female (XX), former trans kid, started T [testosterone] & [puberty] blockers at 13, Double Mastectomy at 15, detransed at 16, [email protected].” The Instagram notice to Cole reads: “Your account can’t be shown to non-followers … Your account activity may not follow our Recommendations Guidelines…What this means: Your account and content won’t appear in places like Explore, Search, Suggested Users, Reels and Feed Recommendations,” according to an X posting by PragerU CEO

BREAKING: Wisconsin Senate Committee Votes Down WEC Recommendation to Reappoint Shady Meagan Wolfe

Guest post by Jefferson Davis Madison– The Wisconsin Senate Committee on d Revenue, Elections and Consumer Protection voted today, as promised, to“not”accept the unanimous majority recommendation of the Wisconsin Elections Commission for the current Administrator of Elections, Meagan Wolfe, for a new 4-year term to end on July 1, 2027, per Wisconsin State Statute 15.61.

‘Royally Screwed’ by Government: Hawaii Victims ‘Getting Desperate’

This article originally appeared Guest by post by Joe Kovacs ‘Literally being arrested for visiting their own homes’ Nearly a month after catastrophic wildfires devastated the Hawaiian paradise of Maui, a disturbing mystery remains as hundreds of people, including an unknown number of children, are still missing, while a journalist on the island says local residents are being “royally screwed” by all governments, with some victims arrested for trying to visit their own homes.

Fr. Frank Pavone: Going Backward, or Staying Faithful? Pro-life Leader Responds to Pope Francis

Guest Post By Priests for Life Leader Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for LifePastoral Director, Silent No More Awareness Campaign I’ve been asked by quite a few people to share my reaction to the recent words of Pope Francis about Catholics in America replacing faith with “ideology” and being “reactionary.” He stated, “You have seen that in the United States, the situation is not easy: There is a very strong reactionary attitude.

Do Most Church Leaders Even Believe the Bible? Poll has Shocking Answer

This article originally appeared Guest by post by Bob Unruh ‘Simply aping the current values of the culture around us is the road to extinction’ There’s little dispute that people, more and more, in the modern world are moving away from the biblical teachings on homosexuality (a sin), premarital sex (also a sin), and same-sex “marriages,” (yes, also a sin).

Sports Star Faces Torrent of Criticism for Daring to Wear Popular Symbol

Guest by post by Bob Unruh This article originally appeared ‘The truth is that you are only expressing your envy and animosity’ A Brazilian soccer star is facing a torrent of criticism for his choice of necklace to wear as he traveled to deliver his services under a contract with a new football club.

Wisconsin Republican Senate Hold Historic Hearing on Appointing a New Administrator of Elections

Guest post by Jefferson Davis Madison– In what can only be described as “historic”, the Wisconsin Senate Committee on d Revenue, Elections and Consumer Protection held an Informational Hearing on the consideration of the Wisconsin Election Commission’s unanimous recommendation to nominate the current Administrator of Election to be reappointed for a new 4-year term to end on July 1, 2027, per Wisconsin State Statute 15.61.

New ‘Marketing of Evil’ Illuminates Biden-era Mass Psychosis

Guest by post by David Kupelian This article originally appeared Dear friends,   For years it’s been viciously attacked as “hate speech,” “despicable,” “the worst book ever” and “serving the Antichrist” – even formally condemned by faculty vote at one university, resulting in lawsuits, campus hysteria and national news coverage.

Major Lawsuit to Charge Biden with Corruption for Censorship Schemes

Guest by post by Bob Unruh This article originally appeared ACLJ accusing DHS, other Deep State actors of constitutional violations The American Center for Law and Justice has announced that it is working on a major lawsuit, on behalf of renowned commentator Charlie Kirk and his Turning Point USA organization, accusing the Biden administration of massive violations of the First Amendment.

Appeals Court Smashes Government Habit of Dodging Financial Liabilities

Guest by post by Bob Unruh This article originally appeared Agencies sued for violating the constitution pull out at the last minute It’s a tactic that’s actually been seen over and over: A government agency gets sued for one of its practices, and just before a court ruling comes, it backs down, or has the practice changed somehow.

Ex-Trainer Exposes Diversity Cult: LAST Thing They Want is ‘Racism to Go Away’

Guest by post by Peter LaBarbera This article originally appeared Whistleblower reveals leftist thinking behind $3.5 billion ‘shakedown’ A former corporate trainer in “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,” or DEI, says the industry must perpetuate racism and see it “where it doesn’t exist” because that is the sole basis for its highly lucrative business.

‘Complete Nonsense’: Americans Mobilizing to Fight Surging Wave of COVID Hysteria 2.0

  Guest by post by Peter LaBarbera This article originally appeared ‘The populace can be kept in a state of repeated anxiety.’ As Joe Biden and liberal corporate and social media ramp up their talk about masking up and a new COVID booster-shot campaign, conservatives and those who no longer “trust the science,” to quote a widely ridiculed narrative, are bracing for a new wave of COVID hysteria.