About The Gateway Pundit

The Gateway Pundit was originally founded in 2004 as TheGatewayPundit/blogspot.com by Jim Hoft who is the Editor of TGP. At the time the site primary wrote brief introductions and linked to other content producers serving as a hub for important current events in the political and media sphere. The site was established for readers tired of limited options and a politicized establishment media.  The first readers included Joe, Jim’s twin brother, Midwest Engineer and Jim’s mother….and it grew from there.

In 2011, the website moved to its current location as www.thegatewaypundit.com.  TGP’s audience grew rapidly and added additional writers to the staff. Today over 2.5 million unique readers every day visit TGP. The Gateway Pundit is ranked as one of the top 150 websites in America, based on Alexa rankings.

Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

We would like to remember Ruth Ann Owens (Lady Liberty) who was one of TGP’s early contributors.  Ruth died of cancer in October of 2011. She is missed.

Mission / Coverage Priorities

Founded in 2004 The Gateway Pundit is an online news publication consisting of news, commentary and analysis.

Located in America’s Heartland, TGP focuses on topics Heartland Americans care about. Since its founding, TGP’s has grown as many Americans turn to digital news sources and as many Americans continue to lose trust in the purportedly unbiased nature of older newspapers and networks, TGP is addressing this gap as a trusted news source for the stories and views that are largely untold or ignored by traditional news outlets.

Founded as a counter to the establishment media that primarily shares news and opinion from a decidedly liberal perspective, TGP we believe it is important that we are transparent about our beliefs and perspectives and how it may shape our news and opinion priorities.  Our focus is to make editorial choices that address the gap in the politically liberal leanings of establishment media outlets.

Our website covers breaking news and provides opinion on the most pressing issues of the day.

Editorially, The Gateway Pundit espouses politically conservative world view that support conservative positions on most issues, including abortion, national defense, small government, second amendment rights, tax policy, individual freedom and Constitutional values.


All Ethics and Editorial standards stem from the following values.


  • All our content should be true. No value is more important than this.
  • This does not preclude the use of opinion — opinion is vital to political and cultural commentary. But all opinions expressed must be supported by truth.


  • All Gateway Pundit content should be excellent, both in production and in the promotion of virtue.


  • We must have courage in order expose the truth about powerful interests that may be angered by our coverage.
  • Within the context of our broader values, The Gateway Pundit encourages its employees and readers to speak up when they disagree about a company decision or editorial position that they think contradicts or compromises the organization’s mission in any way.


  • Every person in our news organization has unique gifts, a unique background, and a story that can contribute to the excellence of the whole company. We encourage everyone in our company to speak their minds, and we do not shoot down the discussion of ideas and always encourage honest debate.

Ownership / Funding Sources

The Gateway Pundit is 100% owned by Jim Hoft, with no outside investors, grants, or funding. TGP is funded by paid advertising in order to provide a free news source for our readers.

Actionable Feedback Policy

We believe that public feedback is not a one-way street — that is, simply publishing your comments or letters. Instead, we are committed to engaging with you and taking action based on your suggestions, complaints and other feedback. You may help us develop an individual story or line of coverage, answer questions that a story may raise, identify related or under-covered issues, and teach us about new and diverse sources, experts and perspectives.

In line with this, we are committed to providing greater transparency about how news is produced and offering regular points of contact and interaction. We believe that news organizations have a responsibility to engage with the public on the values, issues and ideas of the day, and that we have much to gain in return.

You can reach us through the following ways:

  1. Submit correction link on each article
  2. Contact form on each author bio page