REPORT: Kevin McCarthy to Green-light Impeachment Inquiry of Crooked Joe Biden – Will Hold Meeting Thursday Morning

Has Kevin McCarthy finally grown a spine?

Fox News reported Tuesday that Kevin McCarthy will tell the House GOP this week that launching an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden is “the logical next step.”

This means McCarthy is finally open to the idea of impeaching the most corrupt US President in history.

What took him so long?

We also know Democrats would have had Trump long gone from office if they ever had a tenth of the evidence that the Republicans have against Joe Biden.

Fox News reported:

The House GOP conference plans to hold a meeting on Thursday morning for key committee chairs to lay out their latest findings and the status of the investigations into the Biden family. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., are expected to lead Thursday’s meeting.

At the meeting, McCarthy is expected to say an impeachment inquiry is the “logical next step” for the Republican majority. An inquiry is the first step of the impeachment process, where evidence is gathered for the articles, or charges, of impeachment against an official.

Note the significance of the last statement. McCarthy wants to begin the an inquiry to investigate if an impeachment of Joe Biden is necessary.

Recall when the Democrats impeached President Trump the first time, it all began with an inquiry. Democrats immediately jumped to impeach President Trump over a “perfect” call he made to Ukrainian President where Hunter Biden’s illegal business dealings were brought up.  We know today that Trump was right, the media and Nancy Pelosi were lying, and the Biden Crime family siphoned millions from Ukraine in their pay-for-play bribery scheme.

Jim Hoft previously reported that McCarthy would only move forward with an impeachment inquiry if it was a formal House vote. One wonders if he has once again changed his mind.

Here was his explanation at the time:

To open an impeachment inquiry is a serious matter, and House Republicans would not take it lightly or use it for political purposes. The American people deserve to be heard on this matter through their elected representatives.

That’s why, if we move forward with an impeachment inquiry, it would occur through a vote on the floor of the People’s House and not through a declaration by one person.

Fox News notes that McCarthy faces skepticism from both wings of the Republican Party when it comes to beginning the Biden impeachment process. While RINOs such Nebraska Congressman Don Bacon have voiced doubt based on the “merits,” conservatives like North Carolina Congressman Dan Bishop believe McCarthy is hiding behind impeachment to avoid confronting the Biden regime on government spending.

America will soon see whether McCarthy has the skills and courage to bowl over GOP skeptics and finally hold Biden accountable for his crimes. Until an inquiry is launched, doubt will remain.

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