San Francisco’s Sold-Out ‘Doom Loop’ Tour of Drug-Infested City Cancelled, Counter ‘Positive Walk’ Ends Up with Same Tour of Addicts and Homeless Camps

A SF Anonymous Insider planned a ‘doom loop’ tour of drug-infested San Francisco touting an up-close-and-personal experience of a Blue city that is a “model of urban decay,” Locals and tourists paid $30 a ticket, but controversy around the event forced the anonymous tour guide to cancel the walk.

UK Employment Tribunal: Calling Trans People ‘Wankers’ is Discrimination Because Insult Not ‘Gender Neutral’

An employment tribunal in the UK has suggested that gender-specific insults against a transgender person, such as using the common British insult “wanker,” could be a breach of equality laws because the insult is not ‘gender neutral.’ The comments came after a trans bus driver sued London United Busways, the company where he had been working, for gender reassignment discrimination.