Trump Delivers Fiery Remarks Before Heading into Courtroom on Day 2 of Letitia James’ Show Trial (VIDEO)

*Letitia James Stalinist show trial day 2*

President Trump on Tuesday delivered brief remarks to the press before he entered the courtroom.

Trump blasted New York Attorney General Letitia James as a fraud.

“This trial is a rigged trial, it’s a fraudulent trial. The Attorney General is a fraud and we have to expose her as that,” Trump said.

Trump lashed out at Judge Engoron’s Principal Law Clerk, Allison Greenfield for posing for a photo with far-left radical Senator Chuck Schumer.

“You saw what was just put out about Schumer and the principal clerk. That is disgraceful,” Trump said, referring to a photo of Engoron’s Principal Law Clerk Allison Greenfield standing next to a smiling Chuck Schumer.


New York Attorney General Letitia James on Monday afternoon left the NYC courtroom without granting an interview after Judge Engoron tossed out 80% of her case against Trump.

According to reporters, Letitia James was too defeated to speak to the press after Judge Engoron said in closing remarks that the statute of limitations are in effect and reportedly tossed out 80% of her case.

President Trump and his lawyers on Monday spoke to the press outside of a New York City courthouse after the conclusion of the opening day of the non-jury trial in a civil fraud case brought by Stalinist Letitia James.

Trump and an attorney for Trump said the judge conceded that the statute of limitations is in effect on transactions that closed prior to 2014, which makes up 80% of the case.

President Trump said Judge Engoron conceded that the statute of limitations are in effect.

A lawyer for Trump spoke on this: “Based on the judge’s comments at the end of the trial, it would appear that he is agreeing that all the transactions that closed prior to 2014 are now out of the case.”

Last month New York Attorney General Letitia James alleged Trump overstated his net worth by billions of dollars to obtain loans, get insurance benefits and manipulate taxes.

Letitia James in the court filing said that Trump overstated his net worth between 2011 and 2021.

Not only did a previous report find that Trump actually undervalued his assets, there is no victim in this case.

No insurance company is suing Trump.

No bank or lending institution is suing Trump.

Trump’s loans and payments are all current. Lending institutions made money on Trump. Not one insurer lost money.

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Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is now the Associate Editor.

You can email Cristina Laila here, and read more of Cristina Laila's articles here.


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