Bragg’s Case Against President Trump is Total BS Because Its Accounting Premises are Moronic

Guest post by Joe Hoft The case against President Trump in New York is based on false premises that prove that the prosecutors have no idea how accounting works. At one point in my corporate career, I oversaw the financial reporting on multimillion and billion-dollar blocks of business for a US Fortune 500 corporation. I was able to do this in part because of my education and designations (including an MBA, CPA, etc…) and thanks to my experience in the industry.

Another Day of War in Ukraine, Biden Regime Sends Another Billion Dollars for the Military Industrial Complex

Guest Post By Shawn Bradley Witzemann (TMI) Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has announced another $1.3 billion will soon be on its way to Ukraine. “Every investment that we make in Ukraine’s recovery is aimed at bringing Ukrainians closer to that reality,” Secretary Blinken explained in London, “And today, I’m announcing that, with the support of the United States Congress, we will provide more than $1.3 billion in additional aid to help Ukraine toward that goal.” The news comes less than 24 hours after The Gateway Pundit reported on the Pentagon announcement that an accounting error at the DoD resulted in an “extra $6.2 billion of U.S.

Georgia’s WEF Puppet Governor Brian Kemp Rolls Out Digital IDs for All Citizens

Guest post by Leo Hohmann Georgia recently became one of at least12 statesthat is rolling out newdigital IDdriver’s licenses, which of course is exactly what the globalists at the World Economic Forum have been clamoring for since the onset of their push for a “Great Reset,” where they basically digitize all of the basic functions in life, including the bodies of human beings.