Illegal Aliens Involved in Fatal California Highway Crash Near US-Mexico Border Paid Up to $10,000 Each to be Smuggled

Last Monday, the SUV with about two dozen people crammed in it that was involved in a horrific crash with a tractor trailer in Holtville, California on Monday that killed over a dozen people was part of a cross-border smuggling operation according to sources within Customs and Border Patrol, Fox News reported.

The smugglers entered the US after a hole was cut in the border fence near Calexico, California.

Joe Biden reversed Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy, promised amnesty, and allowed unaccompanied migrant children into the US which caused a surge of illegal border crossings in the last several weeks.

14 people, including the driver of the SUV died in the crash last week.

A total of 25 people were jammed into the SUV at the time of the crash.

According to a new report, each alien involved in the fatal crash paid up to $10,000 to be smuggled across the border.

The remaining survivors will be deported once they recover from their injuries unless they file an asylum claim.

Fox News reported:

The illegal immigrants who were involved in a fatal California highway crash last week reportedly paid up to $10,000 each to be smuggled across the U.S.-Mexico border.

13 of the passengers were killed. The remaining victims are still being treated for their wounds, but are likely to be deported once they recover – unless they file an asylum claim, according to the Daily Mail which was the first to report on their payments.

The immigrants paid between $5,000 and $10,000 to be smuggled across the border, with Guatemalan immigrants paying the highest fee. Their ages ranged from 15 to 53 and were a mix of males and females, officials said.

The blood is on the hands of open borders Joe Biden.

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Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is now the Associate Editor.

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