State’s New Fast-Food Law Will Deliver a ‘Devastating Financial Blow,’ Group Warns

California legislators, with union bosses dutifully in tow, took aim at the state’s fast-food industry by passing a law that restaurateurs say will deal them a “devastating financial blow.” The legislature has sent the highly contentious and controversial AB 1228 to the governor’s desk, but despite the months of wrangling, arguing and revising the bill received, fast-food franchise owners say it is still “draconian” and will be far too costly for marginal restaurant businesses.

Musician Akon Says Black Americans Could Move to Africa, Become Millionaires, Cripple US ‘Overnight’

R&B singer Akon may have been born in the United States, but he wants to go back to his roots — which, to him, means constructing a city in his family’s ancestral home of Senegal, which he describes as a “real-life Wakanda.” Ordinarily, I’d just think this was some idle talk by someone not in compos mentis.