The Gateway Pundit Releases Statement on Sedition Hunters Community Forum

A message from The Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft: In the course of investigating the United States government’s illegal and unconstitutional violence, incitement, conspiracy, and rights deprivations on January 6th, 2021, The Gateway Pundit came across a left-wing website that purported to be an investigation of, and manhunt for January 6th protestors. This website styles itself as “Sedition Hunters.” We have been investigating this collection of evidence for some time now, and we will be writing about our findings soon. Their site has a great deal of content and there is a lot to review. We look forward to sharing our findings in the near future.

The Great Steve Bannon Joins the “Save Our Electors Telethon” for Michigan Electors – Please Donate Today to Help These Fellow Americans!

The Gateway Pundit is broadcasting the LIVE telethonto help fund the legal fees of the MI GOP electors who’ve been wrongfully charged withEIGHTfelonieseachfor the crime of casting an ALTERNATE slate of electoral votes for President Trump in 2020: **The live-feed is HERE ON RUMBLE ** You can call in the telethon:1-888-403-8550 ** PLEASE DONATE HERE to help these fellow Americans who were indicted by the radical leaders in Michigan and could face years in prison!

EXCLUSIVE: FBI Created 3,200 J6 “Playing Cards” to Identify and Surveil Americans who Attended J6 Protests – They Are Using SAME SYSTEM to Target Trump Supporters that They Used to Target America’s Enemies and Saddam’s Henchmen in Iraq War (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft and Cara Castronuovo During the 2003 invasion of Iraq by the United States-led coalition, the United States Department of Defense released a set of playing cards with the names and faces of the most-wanted Iraqi members of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein’s government, including high-ranking members of his Baath Party and family members including his two sons.