State Senator Sonny Borrelli to Arizona Democrats: “Are You Afraid of What We May Find or Are You Afraid of What YOU KNOW We May Find?” (VIDEO)

Arizona State Senator Sonny Borrelli appeared on the John Fredricks’s Outside The Beltway show on Thursday, where he addressed the slanderous claims by Dems and the media against the historic Arizona audit and those involved. The former Marine doesn’t back down to his weak enemies because he knows he is on the right side of the fight.

HAPPENING NOW: Pennsylvania Legislative Delegation Sits Down with Arizona Lawmakers to Discuss Election Integrity And Replicating the Audit

On Wednesday, The AZ Audit War Room tweeted this out: “The Pennsylvania Legislative egation is currently meeting with Members of the Arizona Legislature to discuss election integrity in the United States.” Yesterday, The Gateway Pundit reported that Pennsylvania sent a delegation to Arizona for an on-the-scene tour of the audit facility, broken first by Christina BobbonOne America News.

“THE USA WAS THE FIRST BREXIT” – Nigel Farage Commends American Patriots for Leading the World During his America Comeback Tour in Phoenix (VIDEO)

  This Tuesday, TGP’S Jordan Conradson attended FreedomWorks’ ‘America Comeback Tour’ in Phoenix, Arizona. BREXIT leader Nigel Farage was the keynote speaker. He spoke to a PACKED HOUSE about fighting the socialist globalist regime. He also praised American excellence and described the fight to conserve these values.

“I think by This Summer We’re Going to Have a Final Conclusion on Durham” – Papadopoulos DROPS BOMB on the release of Durham report (VIDEO)

TGP correspondent, Jordan Conradson observed The “Revival Revolution Faith, Freedom and the Fight” rally, Saturday, at Dream City Church in Glendale AZ, hosted by ‘WeThePeople Alliance USA’.   This rally featured local political leaders in Arizona as well as special guests, including George Papadopoulos and his wife Simona Maniante. Speakers referenced Biblical principles in relation to the fight to regain our freedoms today in America.